|  | aws-v4-signer-java-jbossmodules-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-api-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-api-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-api-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-spec | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-spec-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-tck-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | beanvalidation-tck-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 迅游国际网游加速器 - xunyou.com:迅游网游加速器是最专业的国际网游加速器!有效解决玩家在玩绝地大逃杀美服等服务器玩网络游戏时遇到的延时过高,登录困难,容易掉线等问题,迅游国际网游加速器为网游保驾护航! | 20 |
| beanvalidation-tck-release |
9 mo 22 days
- #40 |
9 mo 22 days
- #39 | 1 min 18 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| beanvalidation.org |
5 mo 25 days
- #136 | N/A | 2 min 26 sec | | |
 |  | beanvalidation.org (latest spec draft) | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器节点 | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 2 builds failed. | 50 |
| elasticsearch-client-jbossmodules-release |
7 mo 20 days
- #21 |
7 mo 20 days
- #20 | 1 min 54 sec | | |
 |  | gson-jbossmodules-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-asciidoctor-extensions-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-commons-annotations-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-hql-parser-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-hql-parser-master-JDK8 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-hql-parser-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-metamodelgen-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-5.0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-5.3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-5.3-nightly-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-cassandra | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-cassandra-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-couchdb | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-couchdb-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-Docker-Integration-Couch-Only | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-Docker-Integration-Test | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-Docker-Integration-Test-Full | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-Docker-Integration-Test-Full-In-Container | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-Docker-Integration-Test-Skipped | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-ehcache | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-ehcache-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-ignite | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-ignite-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-ignite-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,859 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-ogm-master |
3 mo 7 days
- #661 |
8 mo 23 days
- #654 | 9 min 43 sec | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-master-jdk10 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-master-jdk11 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-master-jdk12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-master-jdk9 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-master-nightly-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-bolt | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-bolt-5.3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-bolt-jdk12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-bolt-jdk9 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-http | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-http-5.3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-http-jdk12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-neo4j-http-jdk9 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-redis | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-redis-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-ogm-release-test | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-4.2-h2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-4.2-h2-JDK8 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-4.3-h2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-4.3-h2-JDK8 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-5.0-h2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-5.1-h2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-5.2-h2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-5.2-h2-infinispan8.2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 中国ADS反应堆关键试验首次完成 能用核废料发电:2021-12-24 · 【观察者网综合】12月23日,中国核工业集团公司网站发布消息,我国核反应堆领功率装置“启明星II号”实现首次临界。这标志着我国加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)研究完成又一重大节点。有意思的是,中核集团微博发布消息的时候,配图贴出了“太过先进,无法展示”的文字,可说是“不明觉厉 ... | 100 |  | KM网游助手-最快最稳定的国内独享IP【官网】:2021-8-29 · 加速稳定,防止断网 超高智能处理模块,实现0丢包,防止游戏闪断,节点中转行业领先 极速跨网,降低延时 国内运营商节点部署顶级IDC集群,BGP带宽接入,支持电信,联通,移动,教育网 顶尖机房,高可靠性 接入国内领先的云计算厂商,全天低延迟、不丢 | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.3-h2 |
6 hr 19 min
- #49 | N/A | 13 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,443 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.3-h2-jdk11 |
6 hr 4 min
- #54 | N/A | 10 min | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,443 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.3-h2-jdk13 |
6 hr 5 min
- #35 | N/A | 10 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,432 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.3-h2-personal-gbadner |
9 mo 0 days
- #1 | N/A | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,046 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.3-oracle |
6 hr 14 min
- #55 | N/A | 26 min | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,133 tests. | 100 |  | 国内CDN加速现状 - 弹着钢琴设计 - 博客园:2021-7-14 · 这与国外的情形有很大反差,比如韩国的CDN只有8个节点,但这8个节点就可支撑大约100G的流量。 虽然国内有很多家公司都在提供CDN服务,但目前CDN在国内互联网产业中的位置,依旧没有像美国那样达到一个应有的水平。 CDN对于动态页面加速存在的问题 | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-5.4-h2 |
4 days 15 hr
- #2 | N/A | 13 min | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-51-h2-infinispan8.2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 80 |  | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 1,309 tests. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-6.0-h2-main |
4 days 9 hr
- #108 |
4 days 12 hr
- #105 | 7 min 6 sec | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-api-change-report-builder | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-master-cockroachdb | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-check |
11 mo
- #1300 | N/A | 6 min 15 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,136 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-javassist |
4 days 15 hr
- #256 |
13 days
- #249 | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,132 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-javassist-jdk11 |
4 days 15 hr
- #151 | N/A | 10 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,132 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-jdk11 |
4 days 15 hr
- #153 | N/A | 9 min 51 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,132 tests. | 100 |  | cdn加速与不加速的区别_thkjNO1的博客-CSDN博客:2021-6-22 · 1.网站访问速度差异出于建站成本考虑,很多站长使用廉价主机搭建视频、资讯类网站,导致访问及加载速度非常慢。不过,如果使用CDN加速就可伍明显改善这种情况,即便流量较大,也可伍保证网站有较好的访问速度。使用CDN加速功能,不仅访问网站的速度提高了,跳出率减少了,也会利于网站 … | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-jdk13 |
4 days 15 hr
- 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | N/A | 11 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,132 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-jdk14 |
4 days 15 hr
- #113 | N/A | 10 min | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,132 tests. | 100 |  | 加速器排行|哒哒加速器有病毒?软件有哪些新特征_234游戏网:2021-6-11 · 在玩各种游戏的时候使用加速器已经成为当下很多玩家一致的选择,在挑选加速器时,现在一款专业优质的加速器是非常必要的,哒哒加速器是当下一款大爱受玩家喜爱的优质服务的加速工具,这款工具可伍帮助用户选择自己想要的节点,而且可伍方便玩家尽情的投入到游戏中,它是一种非常简单 ... | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-jdk15 |
4 days 15 hr
- #30 |
17 days
- #24 | 9 min 8 sec | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-jdk16 | N/A |
4 days 15 hr
- #8 | 40 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 80 |  | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 14,136 tests. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-h2-main |
4 days 16 hr
- #304 |
7 days 16 hr
- 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | 12 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,726 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-hana-main |
4 days 15 hr
- #1038 | N/A | 1 hr 31 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 12,559 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-mariadb |
4 days 15 hr
- #259 | N/A | 16 min | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-master-mssql | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-nightly-docs |
2 hr 23 min
- #2154 | N/A | 2 min 35 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,726 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-oracle |
4 days 15 hr
- 节点加速器 | N/A | 27 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 国内CDN加速现状 - 弹着钢琴设计 - 博客园:2021-7-14 · 这与国外的情形有很大反差,比如韩国的CDN只有8个节点,但这8个节点就可支撑大约100G的流量。 虽然国内有很多家公司都在提供CDN服务,但目前CDN在国内互联网产业中的位置,依旧没有像美国那样达到一个应有的水平。 CDN对于动态页面加速存在的问题 | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-master-pgsql |
4 days 15 hr
- #263 | N/A | 12 min | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-personal-andrea-cockroach | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-andrea-oracle |
6 mo 13 days
- #3 |
7 days 18 hr
- #26 | 15 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 4 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 20 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-andrea-release |
1 mo 12 days
- #9 | N/A | 7 min 26 sec | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-personal-chris-hana | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-personal-gsmet-oracle | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | hibernate-orm-personal-rvansa-infinispan-testsuite | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 13,357 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-hana |
11 mo
- #10 | N/A | 1 hr 1 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-jdk11 |
4 mo 2 days
- #7 | N/A | 11 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-jdk13 |
3 mo 29 days
- #9 | N/A | 13 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-jdk14 |
3 mo 29 days
- #5 | N/A | 12 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 2 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 60 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-jdk15 |
14 days
- #5 |
17 days
- #3 | 13 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-jdk16 | N/A |
17 days
- #4 | 34 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 4 tests failing out of a total of 12,190 tests. | 99 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-personal-yoann-mariadb |
11 mo
- #5 | N/A | 15 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-orm-release |
7 days 13 hr
- #1 | N/A | 9 min 22 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Worst health: hibernate-search » master: Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 80 |
| hibernate-search |
2 hr 27 min
- log | N/A | 6 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 1 test failing out of a total of 723 tests. | 99 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-search-4.5-JDK8 |
11 mo
- #46 | N/A | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | | |
 |  | hibernate-search-performance | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Worst health: hibernate-search-personal-fabio » HSEARCH-3787: Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| hibernate-search-personal-fabio |
4 hr 35 min
- log | N/A | 3.9 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Worst health: hibernate-search-personal-yoann » HSEARCH-3108: Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| hibernate-search-personal-yoann |
1 hr 57 min
- log | N/A | 9.6 sec | | |
 |  | hibernate-shards-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 374 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-tools-master |
19 hr
- #1589 |
6 mo 20 days
- #1322 | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,065 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-5.2 |
11 mo
- #1 | N/A | 3 min 3 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 租用日本服务器用来做游戏加速节点怎么样_九河网络:2021-2-19 · 租用服务器搭建加速节点服务器建议选择九河网络,九河网络日本机房提供专业CN2直连线路的日本服务器,无需备案,即开即用全网互联无压力,支持多种加速节点系统搭建,有需要的用户可伍联系24小时在线客服了解详情。 | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-5.3 |
11 mo
- #63 | N/A | 2 min 38 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,139 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-5.3-jdk9 |
11 mo
- #39 | N/A | 2 min 56 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,233 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-5.4 |
11 mo
- #68 | N/A | 2 min 35 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 加速器排行|哒哒加速器有病毒?软件有哪些新特征_234游戏网:2021-6-11 · 在玩各种游戏的时候使用加速器已经成为当下很多玩家一致的选择,在挑选加速器时,现在一款专业优质的加速器是非常必要的,哒哒加速器是当下一款大爱受玩家喜爱的优质服务的加速工具,这款工具可伍帮助用户选择自己想要的节点,而且可伍方便玩家尽情的投入到游戏中,它是一种非常简单 ... | 100 |  | 加速器排行|哒哒加速器有病毒?软件有哪些新特征_234游戏网:2021-6-11 · 在玩各种游戏的时候使用加速器已经成为当下很多玩家一致的选择,在挑选加速器时,现在一款专业优质的加速器是非常必要的,哒哒加速器是当下一款大爱受玩家喜爱的优质服务的加速工具,这款工具可伍帮助用户选择自己想要的节点,而且可伍方便玩家尽情的投入到游戏中,它是一种非常简单 ... | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-5.4-jdk9 |
11 mo
- #69 | N/A | 2 min 59 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 英特尔®创新加速器 | 揭秘 | 八一八你所不知道的Curie,最 ...:昨天我伊喜大普奔地公布了创客大爆炸与General Vision正式手牵手把CurieNuerons引进中国的大好消息,相信此时有很多不明真相的围观群众仍是纳(meng)闷(bi)的—— 那今天,我伊就把它掰开揉碎了说一说—— #1 什么是Curie? 在 CES 2021 上,Intel 发布了 ... | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0 |
11 days
- #60 | N/A | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,831 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-jdk11 |
11 days
- #49 | N/A | 3 min 9 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,688 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-jdk12 |
11 days
- #31 | N/A | 1 min 49 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,688 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-jdk13 |
11 days
- #13 | N/A | 1 min 46 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-sigtest |
12 hr
- #348 | N/A | 52 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,734 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-tck-wildfly |
11 days
- #60 | N/A | 6 min 44 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,734 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.0-tck-wildfly-jdk11 |
11 days
- #60 | N/A | 6 min 52 sec | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器节点 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,959 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1 |
11 days
- #15 | N/A | 5 min 58 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,912 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-jdk11 |
11 days
- #15 | N/A | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器节点 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,762 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-jdk14 |
11 days
- #15 | N/A | 2 min 4 sec | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | 使用游戏加速器后延迟还是高怎么回事?-斧牛加速器:2021-12-3 · 有玩家反馈用了加速器之后,游戏延迟还是高。这是怎么回事呢?其实游戏加速器只是网络连接中的一环,如果网络连接中的其他环除了问题,使用加速器仍然是降低不下来延迟的。下面小编就为大家讲一讲是怎么回事吧。 | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-jqassistant |
3 hr 5 min
- #117 | N/A | 2 min 15 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-sigtest |
17 hr
- #116 | N/A | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | | |
 |  W | 节点加速器 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,807 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-tck-wildfly |
11 days
- #15 | N/A | 雷神加速器节点 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,807 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-6.1-tck-wildfly-jdk11 |
11 days
- #15 | N/A | 6 min 55 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,879 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master |
11 days
- #603 | N/A | 4 min 19 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 3 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 40 |  | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,864 tests. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-jdk11 |
11 days
- #120 |
11 days
- #118 | 2 min 49 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,742 tests. | 100 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-jdk14 |
11 days
- #52 | N/A | 1 min 42 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-jqassistant |
17 hr
- #1101 | N/A | 1 min 59 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-sigtest |
16 hr
- #919 | N/A | 51 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Test Result: 1 test failing out of a total of 4,063 tests. | 99 |  | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-tck-wildfly |
11 days
- #508 | N/A | 1 min 14 sec | | |
 |  W | 节点加速器 | % |
 | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 2,726 tests. | 100 |  | ssr节点怎么用?ssr节点使用教程_重庆seo博客:2021-1-7 · SSR加速器 使用教程及使用注意事项 随机图文 移动4g网速最快接入点设置教程 移动4g网速最快接入点设置教程 为什么“@微信官方”突然刷爆朋友圈?我伊发现了背后的真相 ... | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-master-tck-wildfly-jdk11 |
5 mo 4 days
- #476 | N/A | 7 min 4 sec | | |
 |  W | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | % |
 | Build stability: 3 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 40 |  | 腾讯网游加速器加速CSGO的操作方法_完美者:2021-3-30 · 腾讯网游加速器标签:亲伊或许不知道腾讯网游加速器怎样加速CSGO的详细操作,那么今天小编就讲解腾讯网游加速器加速CSGO的操作方法哦,希望能够帮助到大家呢。腾讯网游加速器加速CSGO的操作方法运行加速 | 99 |
| hibernate-validator-PR |
6 days 12 hr
- #1530 |
11 days
- #1529 | 6 min 45 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate-validator-release |
12 days
- #88 |
1 yr 0 mo
- #73 | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | | |
 |  W | 能加速韩国节点的加速器 | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| hibernate.org |
21 hr
- 雷神加速器节点 |
2 mo 17 days
- #814 | 2 min 0 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 55网游加速器_百度百科:2021-8-13 · 55网游加速器即文鼎55网游加速软件(简称55或55伋理)能有效解决网络游戏中遇到的延时过高、登录困难、掉线频繁等问题,是目前国内最深受游戏玩家青睐的网游辅助工具之一。全面支持Windows XP 或者 Windows 7操作系统,服务器覆盖众多运营 ... | 100 |
| in.relation.to |
21 hr
- #860 | N/A | 2 min 41 sec | | |
 |  | infinispan-build-personal-rvansa | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | lucene-jbossmodules-release | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | ORM 6.0 MariaDB | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | quarkus-eclipse-master | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | quarkus-eclipse-PR | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| staging.beanvalidation.org |
6 mo 12 days
- #126 | N/A | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | | |
 |  | staging.beanvalidation.org (latest spec draft) | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| staging.hibernate.org |
21 hr
- #1009 | N/A | 1 min 49 sec | | |
 |  W | 雷神加速器怎么加速浏览器 | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| staging.in.relation.to |
21 hr
- #1102 | N/A | 2 min 39 sec | | |
 |  | test-personal-gunnar | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  | wildfly-personal-gunnar | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |